Living and working in Kemi-Tornio

Tornio - A city of borderless possibilities

Paddling in Sandskär
Steel industry workers
Kukkola rapids

Tornio offers you and your family a comfortable, safe and peaceful living environment, as well as a wide range of work, hobby and educational opportunities.

Great future and safe life – Welcome to live and work in Tornio.

Industrial companies and many others in the community are looking for employees. Would you like to hear more?

Leave your contact information

Tornio old bridge
Berry picking
Bicycle park HaparandaTornio

Contact us

Kimmo Nurmos

Yrityskehittäjä, Aloittavat yritykset, Invest In

Puh. 040 768 5438

Tiina Vähä

Markkinointiasiantuntija, Meänkauppa

Puh. 040 612 7722